Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Perils of working in the IT

I was shocked the other day by what I texted my friend as we chit chat on GTalk. I go, "I had slept all night and had shown up at the mosque for prayer only". No, you just didn't do that!!! The usage of "only" at the end of a sentence is a trademark fobulous Indian thing to do. By the way, the term fobulous was coined by my brother Fahad to refer to fabulously FOB'by guys, whereas FOB stands for Fresh Off the Boat. Not to say that my brother and I are not FOB's, but there are varying degrees of FOBiness. Fobulous are the ones who wear white sneakers with dress pants and knee high socks etc. They're the ones who'd use only at the end of almost every sentence. As I noted earlier, the development team here at IBM predominantly consists of FOB's. And I'm sure they've rubbed off on me over the past 6 weeks or so. No offence they're all really nice guys and gals.

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